On the back of your Motorola Q11 unit is a rear panel featuring three ports and a reset button. These are important for setting up your device as well as troubleshooting.

To begin, let's take a look at the rear panel:


little_circle_net.jpg WAN/LAN Port

The port on the left is a WAN/LAN port. When setting up the Q11 device as a router , connect the Ethernet cable from this port to your internet device (e.g. modem). When setting up the Q11 device as an extender , this port can be used as a second LAN port to connect wired devices.

three_lines_over_one_line.jpg USB-C Power Port

The port in the center is the USB-C power port. During set up, connect the supplied USB-C 5V 15W AC adapter between this port and an outlet to connect the device to power.

two_arrows_with_dots_in_the_middle__1_.jpg LAN Port

The port on the right is a LAN port to connect to a computer, smart TV, game console, or other Ethernet-capable devices .

Reset Button

To the left of the WAN/LAN port is the reset button, click here to learn more about resetting your device.