Open up an Internet browser (Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or other).

In the address bar, enter:   (For modems - model beginning with "MB")       (Modem/Router combo - model beginning with "MG")       (Router - model beginning with "MR)

The username and password can be found in the User Manual of your device

It's possible depending on your service provider that you may encounter a "For Security" page. This page is not to change the network name and network password, but to change the admin and Motorola login information. The information you enter has to be 6-16 characters. Letters and numbers only. Once this information has been saved. You'll log in once more with that new information.

Click Advanced on the top right-hand corner.

Click Status , and then Connections .

Here you will see a table of downstream channels.

The Status column should show some or all channels as Locked, depending on your service provider’s infrastructure in your area.

Look at the SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) column to the right of the status column, and check to see that the values there are above 30dB. If they are below 30dB, the SNR is too low. This is something you should speak to your service provider about.

Additionally, note the Corrected and Uncorrected columns farther to the right in the table. Quite a number of corrected and uncorrected packets can accumulate over time without impacting performance. However, if you see a large number of uncorrected packets after your cable modem has been running only a short time, that indicates a problem with your connection. This may result in poor performance including slow downloads and page loads.

You can check this by rebooting your cable modem and re-checking this page after about 5 minutes. If you do see a large number (tens to hundreds of thousands or more) of uncorrected packets, this is something you should speak to your service provider about.

On the Connection page, you will also see a table of Upstream and Downstream power levels. The number of downstream and upstream channels that are locked depends on your service providers infrastructure as well as the hardware of the device you currently own

Downstream Power Levels

Cable Modems -10dBmV +10dBmV
Gateways -7dBmV +7dBmV

Upstream Power Levels

Specification Min Max
Upstream Power Level +38dBmV +50dBmV

If your device's upstream or downstream power levels are outside of the range above, ask yourself this question. Are my speeds normal? Am I experiencing any drops in my internet connection? If you are not noticing any issues with your internet connection, your connection may not be optimal but still in working condition. However, if these power levels are out of range it could cause speed issues along with intermittent dropped connections.

As a quick test try refreshing the connection:  Unscrew the coax cable and disconnect the power. Wait about 30 seconds. Then reconnect them both.  Recheck the connection information and see if they've changed. If they have not, and you're still noticing problems with your internet connection, contact your service provider and let them know.

The Event Log is also helpful for diagnosing problems outside of the modems connection page.

Click on Status, and then the Event Log sub-menu.

Here you can see indications of issues that may be affecting your connection. If you see T3 or T4 timeouts, this may indicate problems with your connection that you will need to ask your service provider to address.

Check our article on Evaluating Your Cable Internet Connection for more detailed information: