The Motosync App provides end-users with a variety of features that will aid in managing their network. Users have the ability to assign devices to profiles, set time limits, pause devices, and set schedules for when devices are not allowed online.
Devices can be assigned to specific users as the owner or to groups using the Profiles feature. This makes it easy to identify devices owned by certain users on the network. Creating profiles allows you to be able to manage the connected devices for one user all at once, rather than having to set up parental controls for each device one-by-one.
Creating a profile
After logging into the Minim App, tap on the Profiles tab at the bottom of the screen. Next, tap on the + in the top-right corner of the page. The screen will redirect, providing you a field to enter the Name of the profile. Next, select the devices you would like to assign to this profile. When finished, scroll to the bottom of the list and tap the Create profile button.
Modifying a profile
After a profile is created, you have the ability to modify the name and the devices that are assigned to it. To make any modifications, first, open the profile. In the upper right-hand corner, you will see 3 stacked dots. Tap on this icon. The page will display the Profile Settings.
Tap on the Profile Name to modify what the profile will be called. A pop-up will appear, displaying the current name. Tap in the field to modify it and tap the Save button to update the name. The pop-up will disappear and return you to the Profile Settings.
Tap on the Select devices used by this person to assign more devices to the profile. You will be provided a list of all devices that are currently connected and have been previously connected to your network. There are three areas to take note of...
- The devices at the top of the list have not been assigned to a profile. To assign them to this profile, tap on the gray square. It will change to the blue color once selected.
- Devices that have a blue square to the right of them are currently assigned to this profile. To unassign them, tap on the blue square. It will change to a gray square.
- Devices that are assigned to another profile will display the profile's name below the name of the device. To move the device from another profile to this one, tap on the gray square. The square will change to blue when it is selected.
When you are done selecting devices, tap on the arrow in the upper left-hand corner. Please note, you may need to close the app and relaunch it to see in the updated list of assigned devices.
Another way to assign devices to a profile
The second way of assigning devices to a profile begins with navigating to the Devices list from the Network tab. Tap on the device you want to assign to a profile - In the example below, we will be assigning the Mac Mini to a profile. The page will redirect and display information about the device. Tap the icon that looks like a person with a + (this should be to the left of the pause button).
A pop-up will appear and ask you to select the owner of the device. Tap on the gray square to the right of the profile name. The square will turn blue. Tap the X in the corner to close the pop-up. The icon to the left of the pause button should now have the name of the profile listed below it.
Please note that the app user cannot remove a device from a profile using this method. To remove a device from a profile without reassigning it to another profile, use the previous method.
Deleting a profile
Profiles can be easily deleted. Deleting a profile will not disconnect the devices from the network. Please keep in mind that once a profile is deleted the usage history and associated data will be lost.
To delete a profile, first, open its page. Tap the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. The Profile Settings will be displayed. Tap the red Delete Profile button. A pop-up will appear to confirm this action. Once the profile is deleted, you will be returned to the Profiles page.
Motosync App users have the ability to pause the connection a device has with the internet while connecting to their network. You can pause individual devices, profiles, and all the devices on a network at once. Once a pause is applied, the effects will take place immediately on devices that are using an active internet connection.
Individual Devices
To pause a specific device, start by tapping the devices button from the Network tab. Tap on the device you'd like to pause. In our example, we will be pausing a Mac Mini. The page will redirect to display information about the device.
Next, tap on the pause button displayed below the device name. The button will change to red and show a button with the word indefinitely. By default, pausing devices will disable their ability to connect to browse the internet until you press the pause button again.
If you tap on the indefinitely button, you will be provided additional time periods - 1 h, 2 h, and 4 h. Selecting a specific time period, such as 1 h, will result in a time being shown under the red pause button. At this time, the device will be automatically unpaused and be able to connect to the internet again.
You can pause a profile using one of the following methods. To begin, navigate to the Profile tab.
The first way you can pause a profile is by simply pressing the pause button to the right of the name of the profile. Once you push the pause button, you will be able to decide how long the devices within the profile will be paused from using the internet by tapping on the drop-down with the default selection of Indefinitely. Choosing another time period will update the button to change from "indefinitely" to display the time in which the profile will be unpaused.
The second way to pause is a profile is by tapping the arrow to the far-right of the name of the profile. The screen will redirect to show the profile and devices assigned. Tap on the pause button below the profile's name. It will change to red. There will be a duration displayed below the red button with the word "indefinitely" displayed. You can tap on this button to change the amount of time this profile will be paused.
All devices
If you need to pause all devices that are connected to the network, you can tap the pause button on the Profiles page. This will pause the connection of devices that are assigned to profiles and those that are not. By default, these devices will be paused indefinitely. To change the duration, tap on the red indefinitely button to choose a new period of time. Once the time period ends, the devices will be automatically unpaused.
Please note, when devices are paused on the network, there will be a message shown on the top of the Network tab. The number of paused devices will be displayed. To learn more about the paused devices, you can tap on the message to be directed to the Profiles page.
Devices that cannot be paused
Pausing the internet is a great way to control what is and is not allowed on your network and when. Although this is a great feature, it could cause some issues with devices on the network that need to remain on the internet at all times. Motosync understands this and created exceptions for these devices.
Motosync won't allow the pausing of:
- Health/Medical devices
- Security Systems
Schedules (Bedtime)
The Schedules feature gives you the ability to set when the devices within a profile are allowed to connect to your network. A schedule will restrict the access a profile has to the internet. This feature can be used to create blocks for bedtime or homework time for children. When devices assigned to the profile connect to the internet outside of the schedule, they will be able to connect without issue.
Creating a schedule
To set up a schedule for a profile, navigate to the profile's main page. Tap the Schedules button. The screen will redirect to a page giving you the option to add a schedule. Tap the Add Schedule button. On the Create schedule page, there are four areas that you can modify.
- The Schedule name will be called "Bedtime" by default. You can tap in the field, with the text, and change the name to be something more preferable.
- The Days of the week section will have all the days (Sunday - Saturday) selected with a green circle. Tap on the days that should not be included in the schedule. This schedule will only apply to the days that have a green circle around them.
- Under the Days of the week, you will see two times - one time in a green square and another in a red square. The green square will represent the time the schedule starts and the red square will represent the time the schedule will end. By default, the times will be set to 8:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Tap either the green or the red square to change the time. A list of times will be displayed. Tap on the new time and scroll up to the top of the list to tap the X in the upper right-hand corner of the pop-up.
- Under the Profiles section, you will see the name of the profile this schedule will be applied to. You can apply the same schedule to multiple profiles if desired. Tap on the Edit profiles for this rule button to select more than one profile or change the profile this schedule will be applied to.
When the schedule has been fully customized, scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap the Save button.
Once the schedule has been saved, the Schedules page will display a list of schedules that have been created. You'll be able to see when the schedule will be applied and to which profile. Below is an example of a schedule.
Modifying a schedule
After a schedule has been created, you can make changes to it. From the Schedules page, tap on the Edit option in the upper right-hand corner of the schedule. You can make modifications to the name of the schedule, the days the schedule is in effect, the duration of time the schedule will be applied, and which profile(s) will have the schedule assigned to. When you are finished making changes, scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap the Save button. The Schedules page will update to display the modified schedule.
Deleting a schedule
To remove a schedule from a profile, select the schedule and tap the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. Next, tap the red Delete schedule button. A pop-up will appear to confirm your action. Tap the Yes button to continue.
Time Limits
The Time Limits feature gives you the ability to limit how much time a profile can use the internet per day. This setting will apply to all the devices assigned to a profile.
Please note, newly applied time limits will take into consideration the profile's usage for the day. For example, if you have been using your iPhone to watch YouTube videos for the past hour and then you create a time limit of 2 hours for the profile your iPhone is in for the day, you will have 1 more hour to connect to the internet before you will reach your limit.
Creating a time limit
This feature can be located in a profile's detail page by tapping on the Time Limits button. Tap the Add time limit button. On the Create time limit page, there are four areas that you can modify.
- The Time limit name will be called "Daily limit" by default. You can tap in the field, with the text, and change the name to be something more preferable.
- The Days of the week section will have all the days (Sunday - Saturday) selected with a green circle. Tap on the days that should not be included in the time limit. This time limit will only apply to the days that have a green circle around them.
- Under the Days of the week, you will see a time period in a green square. The time limit will default to 2 hours. To change the limit, tap on the green button. A pop-up will appear with a variety of times. Select a time and then scroll up to the top of the screen. Tap on the X in the upper right-hand corner of the pop-up to apply the new time period.
- Under the Profiles section, you will see the name of the profile this time limit will be applied to. You can apply the same time limit to multiple profiles if desired. Tap on the Edit profiles for this rule button to select more than one profile or change the profile this time limit will be applied to.
When the time limit has been fully customized, scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap the Save button.
Modifying a time limit
After a time limit has been created, you can make changes to it. From the Time limits page, tap on the Edit option in the upper right-hand corner of the time limit. You can make modifications to the name of the time limit, the days the time limit is in effect, the duration of time the time limit will be applied, and which profile(s) will have the time limit assigned to. When you are finished making changes, scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap the Save button. The Time limits page will update to display the modified time limit.
Deleting a time limit
To remove a time limit from a profile, select the time limit, and tap the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. Next, tap the red Delete schedule button. A pop-up will appear to confirm your action. Tap the Yes button to continue.