This guide applies to the Motorola MG8702, MG8725, and MT8733 devices.

The Configuration Manager is an alternative method of adjusting your WiFi and device settings using the webUI of your device. To more easily configure your network we strongly suggest using the Motosync App . Some actions you can take while using the Configuration Manager include:

  • Changing the wireless network name and password without using the Minim App.
  • Viewing performance information about the device modem and/or built-in router. This can be helpful in diagnosing DOCSIS performance issues and optimizing wireless performance.
  • Setting up port forwarding
  • Enabling guest networks
  • And more!

Accessing  the Configuration Manager

  1. Open your web browser and type into the address bar. Press Enter.
  2. In the login dialogue box, input the username "admin" and the unique password printed on the bottom label of your device in lowercase, then click Login.
    When you log in for the first time, you will be given the option to change the username and password. We recommend you record your new credentials and label them to your device so you don't forget them.
  3. Once you have saved your new password (or confirmed the default credentials), the Wireless Initial Setup page should appear. If this screen doesn't appear, please refer to the FAQ and Troubleshooting Tips page.
NOTE: You may see security warnings pop up when you press Enter. You can safely ignore those warnings and click through to access the Configuration Manager. To reduce the risk of unauthorized access, your device was equipped with a self-signed certificate and designed to accept access via secure http (https) only. Unfortunately, web browsers flag self-signed certificates as insecure automatically, meaning that your browser will display warnings about the device Configuration Manager.

Keeping your current network name and password in the Configuration Manager
  1. Follow the instructions on the Wireless Initial Setup page to enter the network name and password for your original network, paying close attention to the upper and lower case characters. You may have a wireless network name and password for the 2.4 GHz band only, or both the 2.4 GHz and the 5 GHz bands.
  2. Click the Save button. You will see a screen confirming your settings. If needed, you can correct the settings and press Save again.

NOTE: If your previous network name was 5 characters or less, or the wireless password was 7 characters or less, you cannot change the Motorola password to match your previous network.

Basic Status and Settings page

After you have completed the Wireless Initial Setup page, the Basic Status and Settings Page will appear.


The Basic Status and Settings page displays information about your Internet connection. You have the ability to view and modify your WiFi privacy settings, and verify you basic information about your cable modem’s addresses and software version. To end your session with the Configuration Manager, click the Logout link in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

The Advanced button at the top of the page will navigate you to pages with more extensive information and options to configure your cable modem/router.

To return to the Basic Status and Settings page from any page, click the Motorola stylized M logo in the upper left-hand corner of the page.


Note the circled (i) information icons to the right of the page. You can click the icons for descriptions of entries:


The information icons appear on every page, including Advanced pages.

Advanced Pages

The Advanced pages include more detailed status information, as well as in-depth configuration options for the WiFi, router and firewall functions of your device. In addition, there features to customize parental controls and configure VPNs.

Click the Advanced button. A side menu will appear with submenu options available on the left side of the page.
