Parental Control lets you limit access to the Internet from particular devices on your network at particular times. For a device like a child’s computer or tablet, you can set times where Internet access is allowed and not allowed.
Configuration Manager
You can configure Parental Control settings by going to the Protection & Parental Control section of the Configuration Manager.
- Log into the Configuration Manager by navigating to in the address bar of your browser.
- Log in using the username "admin" and the unique password found on the label under the MG8702, then click the Login button.
- You will be directed to the Basic Status and Settings page. Click the Advanced button in the upper right.
- You will be directed to the Status > Software page. Hover over the Protection & Parental Control menu item, and select the Parental Control submenu.
Scheduling when Internet access is allowed and not allowed
You can allow Internet access for a particular device only during hours that you specify. Access will be allowed to all Internet sites. Internet access will not be allowed to any site outside of the hours that you specify.
- Enter a Policy Name (e.g. Ann’s Laptop).
Make sure the device you want to control is powered on and currently connected to the MG8702.
Use the
Select Device
pulldown to select this device.
- The pulldown will show the MAC Addresses of devices connected to your MG8702. You may find the MAC Address of the device you want to control from the device itself. Follow instructions for the device and operating system to do this.
Set the start and end times and the days this schedule should be applicable.
Here is an example of entries to allow Internet access in an after-school period from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Note that we enter the blocked time starting at 10:00 PM overnight to the time access is allowed at 5:00 PM the next day. We have named the sample entry Ann’s Laptop.
Click the
button when finished.
Going back to our example, since the blocked time period extends overnight and includes two calendar days, the Parental Control feature generates two separate segments of blocked time from 10:00 PM to 11:59 PM, and from 12:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Jun 28, 2024